Art Therapy
Instant Therapy
Pet Therapy & Photo Art
Poetry Therapy
Wellness Retreats
Art can be whatever it manifests itself to be; what is paramount is what we give value to. Engaging in a creative process, using painting, drawing, and sculpture can be perceived as an immense force of transformative action. "From its first appearance on the earth the human race has used it creative energies to survive and prosper. The act of creation has documented the human situation from the cave people to the present - expressing loss, filling voids, coping with confusion, concretizing abstract religious and mystical beliefs and providing support for self-awareness and actualization allowing us to rise above any other life form in existence." (Jean Winslow)
The arts enable you to work with material and the creative process to engage in imagination functioning as the :"phenomenon of the third" which explores creative and healing transformation. The arts will take you on a journey to explore love, sadness, joy, fear, despair, confusion, rage, isolation, elation, and creativity.
The process will provide a means for you to discover both the self and the world, and how you relate, the two. Art therapy uses various art materials, such as pint, clay, crayons, oil sticks, fabric, magazines, and paper to create and explore imagery using visual form.
Come on an experiential journey in Art Therapy.
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